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Our Friends in the Community


Toscana Ristorante

The owners and staff at Toscana are very supportive of our rescue. The food is also amazing with a wonderful menu that also includes many vegan options.



Deja Foundation

The Deja Foundation offers direct assistance to support sustainable adoptions of dogs from high kill shelters. They work with rescue groups and directly with families to provide scholarships for care, training, recovery, and rehabilitation of beloved pets.


Animal Farm Foundation

Animal Farm Foundation is a nonprofit dedicated to securing equal treatment and opportunity for "pit bull" dogs and their owners.


HeARTs Speak

HeARTs Speak is a 501c3 international nonprofit organization that’s uniting art and advocacy to increase the visibility of shelter animals. First impressions are their specialty and they are dedicated to inspiring change for shelter pets across the globe through programs that leverage creativity and collaboration.

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Kerri O'Brien Artwork

 You might have noticed the custom artwork here on our website, as well as social media pages-- Kerri is the artist who has lovingly created all of these images. Kerri's designs are part of a series designed to bring awareness and help animals in need find homes. 

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